[강남강사 울린 엄마 영문법] shoud

서 기찬

kcsuh63@hanstar.net | 2014-06-25 10:07:56

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충고할 때 꼭 있어야 할 친구 shoud

조동사 should

1) 의미

- obligation (의무) - must R 은 규율이나 법 등을, should R 은 도덕적인 혹은 논리적인 옳음을 말할 때 주로 사용됩니다. 영국식 영어에서는 should 와같은 표현으로 ought to R 도 있습니다.

You should drive carefully on rainy days.
My doctor told me that I should exercise regularly.
You should be nice to your classmates.

* must 와 should 의미의 비교
must 는 법이나 규율이라는 면에서, should 는 도덕이라는 면에서 생각할 수 있습니다. 도덕이 법 보다 강제성은 약하지만 범위는 더 크고 넓습니다. should 는 옳다고 여기는 것에 대해 충고할 때 쓰이는데 충고를 하는 상황을 생각해보면 이해가 쉬울 것 같습니다.

- deduction(추론) - ‘당연히 R해야 한다’, ‘ R해야 마땅하다’ 입니다. 다음의 예를 보면이 의미가 가장 잘 이해될 것 같습니다.

customer: I'd like to try on a blue skirt, but I can't find it.
sales person : Let me check. It should be in the skirt section. (분명히 있을 텐데)
Oh here it is.

* 위의 대화에서 점원이 should be 라고 한 이유는 치마는 치마 칸에 있기 때문입니다. 문장 안에 ‘분명히’ 혹은 ‘마땅히’ 라는 표현은 없지만 should 라는 말에는 이런 의미가 포함되어 있습니다. should 의 이런 특성은 중학교 영어에서 충고에 쓰이는 경우 외에는 잘 드러나지 않지만 고등학교에서 좀 더 복잡한 문장이나 문법을 배울 때 많이 도움이 되므로 꼭 기억하기 바랍니다.

* be supposed to R : should 대신 be supposed to R 은 구어체에서 많이 쓰입니다.
하지만 가장 중요한 것은 should의 과거형으로 쓰인다는 것입니다.
should 는 shall 의 과거형이기 때문에 또 다시 이것을 과거형으로만들 수 없기 때문입니다.

다음의 이야기를 살펴봅시다.

Giggling bat was one of the followers of Piggy. He adored Piggy. She saved him from a hawk last fall and she was his only family now. He was with her everywhere. Because Piggy could not go very far, Giggling bat flew around the forest and collected information for her. He checked crocodiles almost everyday. Now they are the strongest animals, so they could beat Piggy. However, they could not stay on the land for long, and they didn't care much about the forest. They mainly lived in the river and fed on animals in and around the river. Crocodiles must have known about Piggy, but they didn't say anything. If they were against Piggy, it could be a problem to her. Giggling bat thought, "They should be here. They are supposed to stay in the river. Now I have to go and check dingo's den. This is tough. I am a hard working bat." He felt very proud of himself. He was supposed to check dingo's den yesterday, but he was too busy yesterday.

- They are supposed to stay in the river. 머물러야만 한다.
- He was supposed to check dingo's den yesterday. 살펴보았어야했다.

* shall 은 기본적으로 will 과 같은 뜻이지만 요즘은 권유하는 의미로 쓰입니다.

A: It's already 2. Did you have lunch?
B: No, I have been too busy. I am hungry too.
A: Then let's go to grab something.
B: Sure
A: Shall we? ( = Shall we go? ) 갈까?

2) 형태

(긍정) should R

(부정) should not R
I should not hang out with school gangs.

(의문) Should 주어 R.....?
Should I report this to my teacher? Yes, you should. No you should not.

문제1) 다음 각각의 경우에 어울리는 충고를 하세요. (1번 보기 참고하세요^^)

1. I'm often late for school.

보기)You should go to bed early. You should get a new alarm clock.

2. I bought a very expensive bag.

3. I cut my finger while I was cooking. My knife is too old.

4. I can't sleep at night.

5. I feel nervous about the test.

6. My roommate drives me crazy.

7. My son's room is in a mess.

8. I have to gain weight.

9. My essay is not well organized.

10. I can't focus on my work.

11. My dog pees everywhere when she is excited.

12. I have a toothache.

13. I have to have a party tonight, but there is nothing to eat.

문제2) 적절한 modal(조동사)로 문장을 완성하고 조동사와 동사의 뜻을 정확히 쓰시오. 답이 두 개 이상 일 수도 있습니다.

1. In Korea, young people _______________ respect seniors.

2. You ________________ drink water to survive in this desert.

3. You ________________ sleep when you are alone in the icy mountain.

4. We _______________ go home, mom is expecting us.

5. I ______________ get a good grade in math to get into that school.

6. If you want to loose weight, you _________________ have a balanced diet.

7. We are christians, so we _______________ go to church on Sundays.

8. You ________________ water your plants.

9. Have you been to the bakery on the corner? They have fantastic cakes, and

a chocolate cake is the best. You ________________ try it.

10. I'd like to buy a car, but now all I have is the money for a bike.

I_________________ save more money, and get one more part time job.

11. I have a fever and sore throat. I _______________ see a doctor.

12. If you throw away garbage on the street in Singapore, you ______________ pay $100 for a fine.

13. You ________________ be more understanding, when you are with children.

14. In Chosun dynasty, people _________________ show their respect to the king.

If they didn't, the king punished them harshly.

15. "Jeen, your baby sister is crying. You ______________ go and check."


문제1) 다음 각각의 경우에 적절한 충고를 하시오.

1. I'm often late for school.

You should go to bed early. You should get a new alarm clock.

2. I bought a very expensive bag.

You should save your money (for rainy days.) You should check your budget.

3. I cut my finger while I was cooking. My knife is too old.

You should be more careful and get a new one.

4. I can't sleep at night.

You should exercise. You should drink warm milk...

5. I feel nervous about the test.

You should try to think about something good to relax.

6. My roommate drives me crazy.

You should tell him(her) the truth, and ask for help.

7. My son's room is a mess.

You should tell him to clean it up. You should give him a penalty.

8. I have to gain weight.

You should eat a lot.

9. My essay is not well organized.

You should try second draft. You should ask a teacher for help.

10. I can't focus on my work.

You should find something interesting. You should find another job.

11. My dog pees everywhere when she is excited.

You should tell her to go to her bathroom. You should not be angry at her.

12. I have a toothache.

You should see a dentist.

13. I have to have a party tonight, but there is nothing to eat.

You should go grocery shopping.

문제2) 적절한 modal 로 문장을 완성하고 modal 과 동사의 뜻을 정확히 쓰시오.어떤 경우 답이 둘 이상 일 수도 있습니다.

1. In Korea, young people should respect seniors.
2. You should/ have to/ must drink water to survive in this desert.
3. You must not sleep when you are isolated in the icy mountain.
4. We have to / should go home, mom is expecting us.
5. I must / should get a good grade in math to get into that school.
6. If you want to loose weight, you should / must / have to have a balanced diet.
7. We are christians, so we must/ have to go to church on Sundays.
8. You should/ must/ have to water your plants.
9. Have you been to the bakery on the corner? They have fantastic different cakes, and a chocolate cake is the best. You should try it.
10. I'd like to buy a car, but now all I have is money for a bike.
I will save more money, and get one more part time job.

11. I have a fever and sore throat. I should see a doctor.
12. If you throw away garbage on the street in Singapore, you must pay $100 fora fine.
13. You should be more understanding, when you are with children.
14. In Chosun dynasty, people had to show their respect to the king.
If they didn't, governors punished them harshly.
15. "Jeen, your baby sister is crying. You should / have to / must go and check."

* 주부 김희진은?
- 수도여고, 한양대학교(신문방송학과)를 졸업했습니다.
- 2002~2003년 캐나다 VCC(Vancouver Community College)에서 테솔 과정(TESOL certificate)을 수료하고 아들 영어 공부를 위해 ‘이야기 문법책’을 만들었습니다.
- 궁금한 점이나 의문사항이 있으면 khjhy85@hanmail.net으로 언제든지 연락주세요.

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