[엄마 영문법]"조동사, 너희들은 포위됐다"

서 기찬

kcsuh63@hanstar.net | 2014-07-10 08:33:24

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[강남강사 울린 엄마 영문법]

조동사 조동사 총정리 복습 문제

* 이번 주는 조동사 (modal ) 복습 문제입니다. 모두 주관식이어서 좀 어려울 수도 있지만 조동사의 의미를 다시 생각해보는 계기가 되기를 바랍니다.

(1)다음은 각각의 modal 에 대한 설명입니다. 빈칸을 적절한 말로 채우세요.

1 .________________ 는 can 의 또 다른 표현으로 의미는 같고, can 이 다른 modal 과 함께 쓰여야하는 경우 modal 둘을 연속해서 쓸 수 없으므로 can 을 대신한다.
예문) ____________________________________________________________

2. modal 을 이용하여 추측을 다양하게 표현할 수 있습니다.
___________________ (100%) __________________ (90%) _________________ (50%) ___________________ (30%)

3. ________________________ 는 ‘당연히 ~ 해야 한다’, ‘ ~해야 마땅하다’ 의뜻이다. 이런 표현이 나오는 것은 그렇게 되도록 정해져 있다거나. 논리적으로 당연하기 때문이다.
예문) __________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________ 는 과거에는 그랬지만 지금은 아닌 것. ‘~ 하곤 했었다’ 로 해석하고, 이제는 하지 않는 습관 등을 표현하는데 쓴다.

예문: 긍정)__________________________________________________
부정) ___________________________________________________
질문) ____________________________________________________

5. ________________________ 는 ‘~ 하라 / ~ 하는 편이 좋다’ 는 뜻으로 이 말을 들은 상대가 대부분 그렇게 할 것이라고 생각하고 있다. 그래서 명령문의 완곡한 표현이라고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 명령문처럼 _____________ 또는 ________________ 이 많이 쓰인다. 이때 이 둘의 해석은 각각 __________________ 와(과)____________________ 이다.

(2) 다음 문장의 부정문과 의문문을 쓰세요.

1. You have to have a ticket to get on the train.

2. They will visit their home town tomorrow.

3. You are supposed to lead the way.

4. I must follow the rule of law in Singapore.

5. She can see a ghost.

6. He can be home by now.

7. He may be sick.

(3) 다음 문장에서 동사 부분만 modal을 정확히 해석하시오. 해설을 덧붙여도 좋습니다.

1. Skirts should be in the skirt section.

2. The doctor told me that I should gain some weight.

3. You may be right

4. You may not speak before I do.

5. This necklace may be beautiful, but it is too fragile.

6. I have to tell you the truth.

7. He has to be a doctor.

8. Can I get in?

9. My vacuum cleaner doesn't work. Can you fix it?

10. She's talented, but she doesn't work hard enough. Can she be a star?

11. I used to walk.

12. We were supposed to meet at ten, but you didn't show up.

(4) 다음 문장의 과거형과 미래형을 쓰세요.

1. I can speak Chinese.

2. I have to come back before noon.

3. They must pay for this.

4. I should clean up the mess before I go. (과거만)

(5) 다음 이야기의 빈칸에 적절한 modal 을 넣으세요.

Today Koala Jin woke up late, because it was cloudy in the morning. She ______________ wake up early on cloudy days. Her mom went out for some fresh leaves. Suddenly, Jin could hear familiar sound from her tummy. "I ____________ be hungry. My tummy is crying. I ________________ go to my mom. She ______________ give me nice breakfast." She went down from the tree, and looked for her mom. She _________________ see her mom, but she ______________ smell her.

Therefore, Jin went into the forest. Soon she found her mom. She was picking up leaves. Jin ran to her mom.

Jin: Mom I'm hungry. ________________ have my breakfast now?
Mom: Did you wash your front feet? You ________________ wash them before you eator you will get sick. Bad things ______________ get into your body through dirtyfront feet."
However, Jin was really hungry, so she didn't want to waste any minute.
Jin: Mom I washed my front feet before I come.
Mom: Your front feet are not clean. You ________________ tell a lie. You ___________________ tell a lie or you will get into trouble.
Jin looked at her mom, and she ______________ see that her mom was angry. "I ______________ tell the truth." Jin thought.
Jin: Mom, I'm sorry. I _____________ go to the stream, and I _________________ washmy front feet.
Mom: Good girl.

Jin went to the stream to wash her front feet. She met her friend rabbit K there. He was washing his face, and he looked very tired.
Jin: K you look tired. You ________________ rest."
K: I ____________ sleep last night. I lost my tail ring. It is my birthday gift from mydad. I _______________ lose it. I always put it on the table by my bed, so it________________ be there.
Jin: Did you check under the table? It _____________ be there.
K: I put it on the table. It _______________ be under the table.
Jin: But it ___________ fall from the table. It happens all the time. You ______________go home right now."

K started to run ,and Jin started to wash her front feet, but there was very little water in the stream. Jin said, "This stream _________________ be full of water. But now there is very little water. We need rain. Today is cloudy so it ____________ rain soon."

(6)다음 문장을 영어로 쓰세요.

1. 이곳은 한 때 아름다운 숲이었다.

2. 와~ 저 설탕 좀 봐. 저 과자 분명히 달콤 할거야.

3. 지금은 TV 보면 안 돼. 아기가 자고 있어.

4. 너 열이 있구나. 병원에 가야겠다.

5. 네 볼펜 좀 써도 될까?

6. 수업 시간에는 화장실에 갈 수 없다.

7. 너 얼마나 빠르게 달릴 수 있니?

8. 어제는 엄마를 도와야했어.

9. 나는 고양이와 함께 자곤 했었다.

10. 너 지금 일어나는 편이 좋을 거야. 그러면 늦지 않을 거야.

11. She has the same last name Kim. 우리는 친척일지도 모르겠네. (relative)

12. He found out everything. 넌 어제 사실을 말했어야 했어.

13. 나 도서관에 갈 필요 없어. 어제 그 책 샀어.

14. 이 곳이 100 년 전에 궁이었던 것이 분명해. (palace)

15. 너 이제 교실로 가도 된다. (교장 선생님 말씀)

(7) 다음 문장에서 틀린 곳을 바로 잡으세요.

1. He's got the best grade. He should study hard.
2. Did they had to call him?
3. You will can see her soon.
4. What should you do last night?
5. She have to drives the car.
6. Her eyes are red and her cheek is wet. She might cried before I come.
7. That show is boring. It must have something more fun.
8. Did she has to go to jail?
9. Children have to read lots of books. So they will understood our world.
10. I can find the way to the station. Can you show me the way?
11. Can you bake a pie? I use to do it, but now i'm too busy.
12. You'd better ate a lot of vegetable, so you would be healthy.
13. Does he supposed to take care of her?
14. Should I have to put on the jacket?
15. It's cold outside. You should take off your coat.
16. England is very far. It might be a long trip from Korea.
17. She shoulds work hard.
18. The sun must be bigger than the earth.
19. My dog is sleeping. She can be tired or bored.
20. Will he has to go back?

(1) 다음은 각각의 modal 에 대한 설명입니다. 빈칸을 적절한 말로 채우세요.

1. be able to 는 can 의 또 다른 표현으로 의미는 같고, can 이 다른 modal 과 함께 쓰여야하는 경우 modal 둘을 연속해서 쓸 수 없으므로 can 을 대신한다.
예문) Jin will be able to jump. Sis will be able to go underground.

2. modal 을 이용하여 추측을 다양하게 표현할 수 있습니다.
현재시제 (100%), must (90%), may (50%), might(30%)

3. should 는 ‘당연히 ~ 해야 한다’, ‘ ~해야 마땅하다’ 의뜻이다. 이런 표현이 나오는 것은 그렇게 되도록 정해져 있다거나. 논리적으로 당연하기 때문이다.
예문) - customer ; I'd like to try a hat. Could you help me to find it?
clerk : Sure hats should be in the hat section.
- Jin left home at 2. She should be here in ten minutes, her place is very close fromhere.

4. used to R 는 과거에는 그랬지만 지금은 아닌 것. ‘~ 하곤 했었다’ 해석하고, 이제는 하지 않는 습관 등을 표현하는데 쓴다.

예문: 긍정) Jin used to sleep 20 hours a day. I used to cry at night.
부정) Jin didn't use to cry at night.
질문) Did Jin use to cry at night?

5. had better R 은 ‘~ 하라 / ~ 하는 편이 좋다’ 는 뜻으로 이 말을 들은 상대가 대부분 그렇게 할 것이라고 생각하고 있다. 그래서 명령문의 완곡한 표현이라고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 명령문처럼 and 또는 or 이 많이 쓰인다. 이 때 둘의 해석은 각각 그러면 / 그렇지 않으면 이다.

(2) 다음 문장의 부정문과 의문문을 쓰시오.

1. You have to have a ticket to get on the train.
do not have to have / Do you have to have a.........

2. They will visit their home town tomorrow.
will not / Will they visit .........

3. You are supposed to lead the way.
are not supposed to / Are you supposed to ............

4. I must follow the rule of law in Singapore.
must not / 의문문 X

5. She can see a ghost.
can not/ Can she see ......

6. He can be home by now.
can not / Can he .............

7. He may be sick.
may not / Can he be sick?

(3) 다음 문장에서 동사 부분만 modal을 정확히 해석하시오. 해설을 덧붙여도 좋습니다.

1. Skirts should be in the skirt section. 있어야 옳다 / 맞다 (논리적으로)
2. The doctor told me that I should gain some weight. 충고
3. You may be right. 일지도 모른다. ( 아닐 수도 있다)
4. You may not speak before I do. 말 하면 안 된다 (허락 할 수 없다)
5. This necklace may be beautiful, but it is too fragile.아름다울지는 몰라도, 즉 그럼에도 불구하고
6. I have to tell you the truth. 말해야한다. 도덕적으로 혹은 법적으로
7. He has to be a doctor. 의사임이 분명하다 확신하는 추측
8. Can I get in? 허락
9. My vacuum cleaner doesn't work. Can you fix it? 능력
10. She's talented, but she doesn't work hard enough. Can she be a star?가능성 (스타가 될 수 있을까)
11. I used to walk. 지금은 걸어 다니지 않는다.
12. We were supposed to meet at ten, but you didn't show up.과거에 만나도록 약속이 되어있었다. 그러므로 만났어야했다.

(4) 다음 문장의 과거형과 미래형을 쓰시오.

1. I can speak Chinese. could / will be able to speak
2. I have to come back before noon. had to / will have to come back
3. They must pay for this. had to / will have to pay
4. I should clean up the mess before I go. (과거만) was supposed to clean up

(5) 다음 이야기의 빈칸에 적절한 modal 을 넣으시오.

Today Koala Jin woke up late, because it was cloudy in the morning. She could not wake up early on cloudy days. Her mom went out for some fresh leaves. Suddenly, Jin could hear familiar sound from her tummy. "I must be hungry. My tummy is crying. I should / have to go to my mom. She will give me nice breakfast." She went down from the tree, and looked for her mom. She couldn't see her mom, but she could smell her.
Therefore, Jin went into the forest. Soon she found her mom. She was picking up leaves. Jin ran to her mom.

Jin: Mom I'm hungry. Can I have my breakfast now?
Mom: Did you wash your front feet? You should wash them before you eator you will get sick. Bad things can/ may get into your body through dirtyfront feet."

However, Jin was really hungry, so she didn't want to waste any minute.
Jin: Mom I washed my front feet before I come.
Mom: Your front feet are not clean. You should/ must not tell a lie. You had better not tell a lie or you will get into trouble.

Jin looked at her mom, and she could see that her mom was angry. "I have to / should tell the truth." Jin thought.
Jin: Mom, I'm sorry. I will go to the stream, and I will wash my front feet.
Mom: Good girl.

Jin went to the stream to wash her front feet. She met her friend rabbit K there. He was washing his face, and he looked very tired.
Jin: K you look tired. You should / should take a rest."
K: I couldn't sleep last night. I lost my tail ring. It is my birthday gift from mydad. I must not / should not lose it. I always put it on the table by my bed, so it should be there.
Jin: Did you check under the table? It can be there.
K: I put it on the table. It can't be under the table.
Jin: But it could/ may / might fall from the table. It happens all the time. Youshould go home right now."

K started to run ,and Jin started to wash her front feet, but there was very little water in the stream. Jin said, "This stream used to be full of water. But now there is very little water. We need rain. Today is cloudy so it can / may rain soon."

(6) 다음 문장을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 이곳은 한 때 아름다운 숲이었다.
This place used to be a beautiful forest.
2. 와 저 설탕 좀 봐. 저 과자 분명히 달콤 할거야.
Wow, look at that sugar. The cookie must be very sweet.
3. 지금은 TV 보면 안 돼. 아기가 자고 있어.
You may(can) not watch TV now. The baby is sleeping.
4. 너 열이 있구나. 병원에 가야겠다.
You have a fever. You should see a doctor.
5. 네 볼펜 좀 써도 될까?
Can I use your pen?
6. 수업 시간에는 화장실에 갈 수 없다.
You can(must) not go to the rest room during the class.
7. 너 얼마나 빠르게 달릴 수 있니?
How fast can you run?
8. 어제는 엄마를 도와야했어.
I should have helped my mom yesterday.
9. 나는 고양이와 함께 자곤 했었다.
I used to sleep with my cat.
10. 너 지금 일어나는 편이 좋을 거야. 그러면 늦지 않을 거야.
You had better get up now and you won't be late.
11. She has the same last name Kim. 우리는 친척일지도 모르겠네. (relative)
We might(may) be relatives.
12. He found out everything. 넌 어제 사실을 말했어야 했어.
You should have told him the truth yesterday.
13. 나 도서관에 갈 필요 없어. 어제 그 책 샀어.
I don't have to go to the library. I bought the book yesterday.
14. 이 곳이 100 년 전에 궁이었던 것이 분명해. (palace)
This place must be a palace a hundred years ago.
15. 너 이제 교실로 가도 된다. (교장 선생님 말씀)
You may go back to the classroom.

(7) 다음 문장에서 틀린 곳을 바로 잡으시오.

1. He's got the best grade. He should study hard. must have studied
2. Did they had to call him? have
3. You will can see her soon. be able to
4. What should you do last night? were you supposed to do
5. She have to drives the car. has to drive
6. Her eyes are red and her cheek is wet. She might cried before I come. cheeks are / must have cried
7. That show is boring. It must have something more fun. should
8. Did she has to go to jail? have to
9. Children have to read lots of books. So they will understood our world. because they should understand our world.
10. I can find the way to the station. Can you show me the way? can't
11. Can you bake a pie? I use to do it, but now i'm too busy. used to / I
12. You'd better ate a lot of vegetable, so you would be healthy. eat / vegetables / and / will
13. Does he supposed to take care of her? was
14. Should I have to put on the jacket? Do
15. It's cold outside. You should take off your coat. put on
16. England is very far. It might be a long trip from Korea. is
17. She shoulds work hard. should
18. The sun must be bigger than the earth. is
19. My dog is sleeping. She can be tired or bored. is
20. Will he has to go back? have

* 주부 김희진은?
- 수도여고, 한양대학교(신문방송학과)를 졸업했습니다.
- 2002~2003년 캐나다 VCC(Vancouver Community College)에서 테솔 과정(TESOL certificate)을 수료하고 아들 영어 공부를 위해 ‘이야기 문법책’을 만들었습니다.
- 궁금한 점이나 의문사항이 있으면 khjhy85@hanmail.net으로 언제든지 연락주세요.

[ⓒ 한스타미디어. 무단전재-재배포 금지]