[엄마 영문법] '형용사 놀이' 하는 to 부정사

서 기찬

kcsuh63@hanstar.net | 2014-07-24 08:21:29

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to 부정사 부정사의 세 가지 의미(역할)

지면 관계상 나누어 진행하지만 to 부정사의 세 가지 역할은 반드시 모아서 공부해야합니다. 오늘은 지난 회 배운 1) 명사 역할을 하는 to 부정사의 연습문제로 시작합니다. 그리고 2) to 부정사의 형용사 역할에 대해 공부하겠습니다.

문제1) Correct mistakes.

Sis is a numbat. Numbats are a kind of ant eaters in Australia. They love eat ants but they mainly eat white ants. They live to the southwestern part of Australia. Numbats are not born fast but they can run pretty fast when they want. They are as small as rabbits, but they have special buttocks with very thick skin. If they are in danger, they dig a burrow and close the opening with their buttocks. The strongest snake couldn't get them, because any teeth in the forest couldn't get through their buttocks. It sounds funny, right? Since numbats live in the eucalyptus forest, they share the area with a koalas.

A numbat, Sis was having the breakfast when he first meet with Jin. "What a strange fellow!" Sis thought, because koalas didn't wake up this early. The koala was heading for the stream. It was Jin, and she was running to the stream to drank water. Sis stopped to eat and said. "What a thing! A koala is run...ning."

Sis said hi to Jin and Jin smiled at him. Sis smiled back.

문제2) 네모안의 어휘를 이용하여 빈칸을 채우시오. 반복적인 사용도 괜찮습니다.아래 문장은 모두 이어지는 하나의 이야기입니다. 흐름을 생각해주세요.

to follow, to feel, to hear, to play with, to catch, to run, to have, to listen to ,to be, to feel, to introduce, to drink 1. Sis stopped eating. He wanted ________________ the koala.

2. Sis started _____________________.

3. Sis ran fast ________________ her up.

4. Finally, Sis found Jin and said, "Hi again, where are you going?

Jin answered, "I'm going to the stream _______________ water."

5. "Do koalas drink water?" Sis was surprised ________________ that.

6. Jin said, " My friends don't, but I do _________________good."

7. Jin sometimes drank water ____________________ fresh.

8. Sis began ______________________ himself.

9. Sis said, "I live in this forest, and I love _________________ birds in the forest."

10. Jin asked, “Who do you live with?" Sis replied, "I live alone."

Jin was surprised ________________ that.

11. Jin asked again, "Then do you have any one _________________?"

12. Sis looked at Jin and said, "I don't need any one______________________."

13. Jin remained silent for a while and said, " I can be the one ____________________ you." When Sis heard this, Sis was happy.

14. __________________ a friend is wonderful. Sis thought.

2) ~ 할 / 하는 (형용사 역할을 하는 to 부정사)

to 부정사가 명사를 꾸미는 (명사에 대한 설명을 덧붙이는) 역할로 ‘R 할’ 또는 ‘R 하는’ 등으로 해석됩니다. (마실 것/ 말할 것 등) 보통 형용사라고 하면 ~하는 / ~는 등의 소리로 끝나지만, to 부정사는 동사의 성격도 함께 가지고 있기 때문에 ‘R 할’ 로 해석되는 경우가 더 많습니다. 주로 thing 종류들 (thing, something, anything, nothing)과 쓰이는 경우가 많습니다.

I have many things to do. (할 것/ 할 일)

Do you have anything to drink? (마실 것)

I've got nothing to say. (말할 것이 아무것도)

I've got lots of questions to answer. (답할 질문)

I have no wish to complete the task in a day. (완료할 바램)

I've got letters to send. (보낼 편지)

He's got a lot of ways to solve the problem. (해결할 방법 / 해결하는 방법)

* 한걸음 더: 형용사가 명사 앞에 있는 것과 달리 to 부정사는 반드시 명사 뒤에 옵니다.명사 다음에 to 부정사가 왔다고 늘 ‘~할’인 것은 아닙니다. 해석으로 확인해야합니다.어느 쪽의 해석도 다 맞는다면 형용사로서의 해석을 우선합니다.

I have to go to the airport to pick up my aunt. (데려가려고 / 데려가기 위해)

문제3) 다음 대화의 빈칸을 적절하게 채우시오.

K: What's up? You look tired.

L: I couldn't sleep last night.

K: What kept you awake? What's bothering you?

L: My room mate and I had an argument.

We are so different. I can't stand him any longer.

K: Wow, that's a big one.

How about talking to Mrs. Dumbledore?

She likes ______________ advice. (give)

L: Does she? Does she like ______________ complaints and nagging. (listen)

I need somebody ________________ to.

K: She's great. Go ahead.

Now L is in MS. Dumbledore's office.

L: Can I come in?

D: Sure get in, and take a seat.

L: Thank you. I have something _________________ you.

I have a problem with my room mate H. He's messy, and noisy.

I can't focus on my work when I'm with him.

D: Did you guys talk over?

L: Yes, then we had a big fight.

He didn't want to ____________ to me.

D: Do you want ______________ another room mate?

L: Maybe it can be an idea. How about asking him _____________ his bad

habits ? (correct)

D: That sounds good. Let's have some meeting someday then.

L: OK. I'll tell him.


문제1) Correct mistakes.

Sis is a numbat. Numbats are a kind of ant eaters in Australia. They love eat(to eat) ants but(and,반대 내용이 아님) they mainly eat white ants. They live to(in, ~에) the southwestern part of Australia.

Numbats are not born fast but they can run pretty fast when they want(want to (run이므로). They are asmall as rabbits, but they have special buttocks with very thick skin. If they are in danger, they dig a burrow and close the opening with their buttocks. The strongest snake couldn't(can't, fact를 말하고 있으므로 현재시제) get them, because any teeth in the forest couldn't(can't) get through their buttocks. It sounds funny, right? Since numbats live in the eucalyptus forest, they share the area with a koalas(a koalas/ koalas).

A numbat, Sis was having the breakfast when he first meet with Jin.(breakfast 식사는 관사 없음 met 이야기 시제 과거 + with)

"What a strange fellow!" Sis thought, because koalas didn't wake up this early. The koala was heading for the stream. It was Jin, and she was running to the stream to drank(drink) water. Sis stopped to eat(eating, to eat 먹기 위해서/ eating 먹기를) and said. "What a thing! A koala is run...ning." Sis said hi to Jin and Jin smiled at him. Sis smiled back.

문제2) 네모안의 어휘를 이용하여 빈칸을 채우시오. 반복적인 사용도 괜찮습니다.아래 문장은 모두 이어지는 하나의 이야기입니다. 흐름을 생각해주세요.
to follow to feel to hear to play with to catch to runto have to listen to to be to feel to introduce to drink 1. Sis stopped eating. He wanted to follow the koala.

2. Sis started to run.

3. Sis ran fast to catch her up.

4. Finally, Sis found Jin and said, "Hi again, where are you going?

Jin answered, "I'm going to the stream to drink water."

5. "Do koalas drink water?" Sis was surprised to hear that.

6. Jin said, " My friends don't, but I do to feel good."

7. Jin sometimes drank water to feel fresh.

8. Sis began to introduce himself.

9. Sis said, "I live in this forest, and I love to listen to birds in the forest."

10. Jin asked, “Who do you live with?" Sis replied, "I live alone."

Jin was surprised to hear that.

11. Jin asked again, "Then do you have any one to play with ?"

12. Sis looked at Jin and said, "I don't need any one to play with"

13. Jin remained silent for a while and said, " I can be the one to play with you."

When Sis heard this, Sis was happy.

14. To have a friend is wonderful. Sis thought.

문제3) 다음 대화의 빈칸을 적절하게 채우시오.

K: What's up? You look tired.

L: I couldn't sleep last night.

K: What kept you awake? What's bothering you?

L: My room mate and I had an argument.

We are so different. I can't stand him any longer.

K: Wow, that's a big one.

How about talking to Mrs. Dumbledore?

She likes to give advice. (give)

L: Does she? Does she like to listen to complaints and nagging. (listen)

I need somebody to talk to.

K: She's great. Go ahead.

Now L is in MS. Dumbledore's office.

L: Can I come in?

D: Sure get in, and take a seat.

L: Thank you. I have something to tell you.

I have a problem with my room mate H. He's messy, and noisy.

I can't focus on my work when I'm with him.

D: Did you guys talk over?

L: Yes, then we had a big fight.

He didn't want to listen to me.

D: Do you want to have another room mate?

L: Maybe it can be an idea. How about asking him to correct his bad

habits. (correct)?

D: That sounds good. Let's have some meeting someday then.

L: OK. I'll tell him.

* 주부 김희진은?
- 수도여고, 한양대학교(신문방송학과)를 졸업했습니다.
- 2002~2003년 캐나다 VCC(Vancouver Community College)에서 테솔 과정(TESOL certificate)을 수료하고 아들 영어 공부를 위해 ‘이야기 문법책’을 만들었습니다.
- 궁금한 점이나 의문사항이 있으면 khjhy85@hanmail.net으로 언제든지 연락주세요.

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