[엄마 영문법] 부사 노릇도 하는 to 부정사

서 기찬

kcsuh63@hanstar.net | 2014-07-31 08:23:19

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to 부정사 부정사의 세 가지 의미(역할)

지난 시간에는 to 부정사의 1)명사적 역할과 2) 형용사적 역할에 대해 배웠습니다. 오늘은 to 부정사가 부사 구실을 하는 경우 두 가지를 공부하겠습니다.

3) R 하기 위해서 (부사 역할을 하는 to 부정사 1)

to 부정사의 해석은 ‘in order to R' 의 축약형으로 'R 하기 위해서' 외에도 'R 하려고' 로 해석합니다. 이 해석을 '목적'이라고 하기도 하는데, 그러나 이 to 부정사가 문장에서 목적어 역할을 한다는 말은 절대로 아닙니다. 명사로서의 to 부정사와 혼동하지 않아야합니다.

We came to Korea to go shopping.- 가기 위해/ 가려고

We are staying in Korea in order to learn Korean. - 배우기 위해 / 배우려고

비교) We want to have fun. - 갖기를 (명사역할인 목적어)

* for 와 to부정사
목적을 표현하는 방법은 to 부정사외에도 전치사 ‘for +명사’ 를 사용할 수 있고 구어체는 가능한 경우 ‘for +명사’를 더 많이 사용합니다.

I'm going to the bakery for some bread.

I'm going to the bakery to buy some bread.

이렇게 문맥상 흐름이 분명하다면 구태여 to R을 쓰지 않습니다. 다음의 대화를 잘 살펴보아주세요.

J stands for Jin and S stands for Sis.

J: Then where are you going?

S: I'm going to the stream for some water, and to catch some fish.

J: Ah do you eat fish? What else do you eat?

S: I do not eat fish. I eat ants, white ants.

J: Do you eat koalas too?

S: Noooo.. I only eat ants, nothing else. I am from anteaters in Africa.

J: But you told me that you would catch fish in the stream.

S: Did I? Ah that is not for food. I just need it to play with. It is a kind oftoy to me.

J: You use real fish for fun? It doesn't sound nice.

Sis was embarrassed, actually Sis didn't play with fish. He just wanted to go with Jin.

문제1) 다음 이야기에서 ‘~ 하기 위해서’ 로 해석되는 to 부정사를 모두 찾으시오.

I am preparing for my next grammar lesson. I need an explanation about 'to infinitive'. I want it to be easy and simple, but this is tough. I read three grammar books to get some tips, but I end up with a long sigh.

Actually English grammar is not very difficult to understand, but I can't say that it is easy. Therefore, I must work hard to find a good way to teach my students. I must have neat and easy explanations with lots of examples. I must tell some funny jokes to make them happy, and to get their attention. I always do my best, but the result is not always the best.

문제2) 빈칸을 for 또는 to R 로 채우시오. 둘 다 가능한 경우 둘 다 쓰기.

1. What brought you here? I came here ___________ new shoes.

2. I'm studying a plane _________ a pilot.

3. I'm trying on a new dress _________ to a party.

4. I came here __________ to you.

5. I came here, because I want __________ to you.

6. My sister cut my picture ___________ me angry.

7. My mom bought strawberries ____________ strawberry juice for me.

8. The cop is running down the street ____________ a thief.

9. They build this house ____________ poor people.

10. You can use my crayons ___________ a picture.

문제3) 다음 문장을 목적을 나타내는 to 부정사 또는 for 를 이용하여 완성하시오.

* 은 둘 다 가능한 경우로 두 가지 다 써야합니다.

*1. I go to the market ___________________ . _________________________ .

*2. I need a pencil. I'll go to him __________________ . _______________________ .

*3. Today is my mom's birthday, so I came home early ___________________.

__________________________ .

*4. I turn on the radio ___________________ . ___________________________ .

5. She did her best __________________ .

6. My sister went to France ________________________ .

*7. The vet took my puppy to the lab _____________________ . ______________________.

8. She stood up ___________________ .

9. I opened the book __________________ .

*10. He screamed ______________________ . __________________________ .

11. They raised their hands _____________________ .

*12. We promised to meet at five ____________________ . __________________________ .

4) ~ 해서 (부사 역할을 하는 to 부정사 2)

“Nice to meet you." 를 기억하시나요. 이 문장을 기억한다면 ‘R해서’ 로 해석되는 to 부정사는 이미 알고 있는 것입니다. 이 문장에서 ‘to meet' 이 바로 ’ R 해서‘입니다. ‘R해서 내 기분이 어떻다'는 식으로 주로 감정을 나타내는 말과 함께 쓰입니다. 그러므로 다음의 감정을 나타내는 표현들을 기억해두면 좋습니다.

be afraid - I'm afraid to say no.

be disappointed - She's disappointed to get a poor grade.

be pleased - She was pleased to see her brother.

be proud - I am proud to be Korean.

be sorry - I'm sorry to tell you this.

be surprised - He was surprised to hear that.

be shocked - They were shocked to see a ghost.

* 한걸음 더 ; to 부정사의 부사적 역할

부사라는 품사는 사용범위가 몹시 넓기 때문에 부사가 무엇이라고 외우기보다 형용사를 정확히 알고 나머지는 부사로 생각하는 편이 편리합니다. 이 두 가지 부정사를 ‘부사 역할을 한다’ 혹은 부사적 용법이라고 부르는 것도 이런 식으로 이해합시다. 명사 역할을 하는 경우와 형용사 역할을 하는 경우를 제외한 무한에 가까운 많은 to 부정사들이 역할로 구분하자면 모두 부사적 역할에 속하기 때문입니다.

* 부정사의 역할(용법)에 대한 문제는 부사적 역할을 구분하는 것이 어렵습니다. 왜냐하면 명사 역할과 형용사 역할은 뜻으로 역할까지 구분되지만, 부사적 역할은 두 가지 뜻이 전혀 다르기 때문입니다. 다음 문제를 살펴보세요.

1. 다음 밑줄 친 부정사의 종류가 다른 것을 고르시오.

a. I like to sing a song loudly.

b. I bought a new cell phone to take a better picture.

c. She wants to stay with you.

d. To sing a song as a singer is wonderful.

답은 b 번으로 부사적 역할입니다.

2. 다음 밑줄 친 부정사 종류가 다른 것을 고르시오.

a. They went to the museum to see Picasso.

b. We gather some money to help her.

c. I'm really happy to see you again.

d. He needs to see her.

답은 d 번으로 명사적 역할입니다.

문제4) 다음 문장을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 나 여기 다시 돌아와서 기뻐.

2. 그 소식 들어서 유감이다.

3. 만나서 반가워.

4. 그녀는 그를 보아서 몹시 들떴다.

5. 우리는 그 뉴스를 들어서 몹시 실망했다.

6. 그들은 그를 보아서 몹시 당황했다.

문제5) 다음 문장을 ‘~해서’라는 뜻의 to 부정사를 이용하여 완성하시오.

1. They were embarrassed __________________________ .

2. She was sorry ______________________ .

3. Do you feel good ________________________ ?

4. My parents were very pleased _______________________ .

5. He was sad ________________________ .

6. I am happy ____________________

7. He was shocked _________________________

8. I was scared ______________________

9. We are impressed ______________________

10. I felt down ___________________________

11. Mr. Kim was excited ______________________

12. Korean people felt very proud _____________________

13. Are you happy _____________________

14. I was relieved __________________________

15. They were upset _________________________

문제6) 다음 질문에 to 부정사를 사용하여 답하시오. (어떤 종류라도 상관 없음)

1. What do you do in your free time?

2. What type of food do you hate, and why?

3. What are you going to do next weekend?

4. Which TV show do you want to watch?

5. What country do you want to visit, and why?

6. Do you hate anybody? Why?

7. Do you like Korean pop music?

8. When do you need your friend?

9. Can you introduce a nice restaurant around your neighborhood? What food do they have?

10. Please tell us about your favorite thing.

11. What is your favorite comic book?

12. Can you recommend a book for your classmate?


문제1) 다음 이야기에서 ‘~ 하기 위해서’ 로 해석되는 to 부정사를 모두 찾으시오.

I am preparing for my next grammar lesson. I need an explanation about 'to infinitive'. I want it to be easy and simple, but this is tough. I read three grammar books to get some tips, but I end up with a long sigh.

Actually English grammar is not very difficult to understand, but I can't say that it is easy. Therefore, I must work hard to find a good way to teach my students. I must have neat and easy explanations with lots of examples. I must tell some funny jokes to make them happy, and to get their attention. I always do my best, but the result is not always the best.

문제2) 빈칸을 for 또는 to R 로 채우시오. 둘 다 가능한 경우 둘 다 쓰기.

1. What brought you here? I came here for / to buy new shoes.

2. I'm studying a plane to be a pilot.

3. I'm trying on a new dress for a party / to go to a party.

4. I came here to talk to you. ( you 앞에 전치사 to 와 이어지기에 알맞은 단어로 )

5. I came here, because I want to talk to you.

6. My sister cut my picture to make me angry.

7. My mom bought strawberries to make strawberry juice for me.

8.A cop is running down the street to catch a thief.

9. They build this house for/ to help poor people.

10. You can use my crayons for / to draw a picture.

문제3) 다음 문장을 목적을 나타내는 to 부정사 또는 for 를 이용하여 완성하시오.

* 은 둘 다 가능한 경우로 두 가지 다 써야합니다. 단어는 달라도 괜찮습니다.

*1. I go to the market for milk. to buy milk.

*2. I need a pencil. I'll go to him for one. to borrow one.

*3. Today is my mom's birthday, so I came home early for a party. to have a party.

*4. I turn on the radio for some music. to listen to music.

5. She did her best to get the information.

6. My sister went to France to study art .

*7. The vet took my puppy to the lab for X ray. to take X ray.

8. She stood up to speak.

9. I opened the book to study Japanese.

*10. He screamed for help. to ask for help.

11. They raised their hands to say the answer.

*12. We promised to meet at five for a movie. to watch a movie.

문제4) 다음 문장을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 나 여기 다시 돌아와서 기뻐. I am happy to be(come) back.
2. 그 소식 들어서 유감이다. I am sorry to hear that.
3. 만나서 반가워. Nice to meet you.
4. 그녀는 그를 보아서 몹시 들떴다. He was very excited to see her.
5. 우리는 그 뉴스를 들어서 몹시 실망했다. We were very disappointed to hear the news.
6. 그들은 그를 보아서 몹시 당황했다. They were very embarrassed to see him.

문제5) 다음 문장을 ‘~해서’라는 뜻의 to 부정사를 이용하여 완성하시오.

1. They were embarrassed to open the wrong door.
2. She was sorry to hurt her teacher.
3. Do you feel good to see your grandfather?
4. My parents were very pleased to see me .
5. He was sad to leave.
6. I am happy to be with you.
7. He was shocked to see the picture.
8. I was scared to see a snake.
9. We are impressed to see such a wonderful building in 종묘.
10. I felt down to say goodbye to my aunt.
11. Mr. Kim was excited to go for a trip.
12. Korean people felt very proud to have 노무현 as their president.
13. Are you happy to be my sister?
14. I was relieved to get home.
15. They were upset to work on Sunday.

문제6) 다음 질문에 to 부정사를 사용하여 답하시오. (어떤 종류라도 상관 없음)

1. What do you do in your free time?
I play tennis to feel good.

2. What type of food do you hate, and why?
I hate to have hot food, because I can't taste other things in the plate.

3. What are you going to do next weekend?
I am going to go to Seoul to go shopping.

4. Which TV show do you want to watch?
I want to watch a comedy to feel happy.

5. What country do you want to visit, and why?
I want to visit Bulgaria to be in an old city.

6. Do you hate anybody? Why?
I hate talkative people, because I don't have a chance to talk.

7. Do you like Korean pop music?
Yes, I like it. I listen to music to be relieved.

8. When do you need your friend?
When I feel down, I need my friend to be happy again.

9. Can you introduce a nice restaurant around your neighborhood?
What food do they have?
I want to introduce '춘하추동‘ in 일산. They have sweet and hot pork.

10. Please tell us about your favorite thing.
My favorite thing is my cell phone, because I can talk to others and use itto find various information.

11. What is your favorite comic book?
My favorite comic book is 비천무. I learned many things about life through thebook. I will keep it to read again.

12. Can you recommend a book for your classmate?
I recommend '호밀밭의 파수꾼‘. It is a book to read at any period of life.

* 주부 김희진은?
- 수도여고, 한양대학교(신문방송학과)를 졸업했습니다.
- 2002~2003년 캐나다 VCC(Vancouver Community College)에서 테솔 과정(TESOL certificate)을 수료하고 아들 영어 공부를 위해 ‘이야기 문법책’을 만들었습니다.
- 궁금한 점이나 의문사항이 있으면 khjhy85@hanmail.net으로 언제든지 연락주세요.

[ⓒ 한스타미디어. 무단전재-재배포 금지]