강남강사 울린 엄마 영문법 - must

강남강사 울린 엄마 영문법 / 서 기찬 / 2014-06-10 15:25:57

영어‘과거’가 복잡한 조동사 must

조동사(Modal) <2> must R : R 해야 한다 / R 임이 분명하다

(1) 의미

_ obligation(의무, 규율): ‘must R’ 는 법이나 규칙 등 공식적인 것인 경우에 주로 사용하고 ‘have to R’은일상적으로 ‘해야 하는’ 것들인 경우에 주로 씁니다. 그러나 이 두 가지가 함께 사용하는 경우도 있습니다.

Youmust obeythe law.

Youmust followthe instruction to save your life.

Ihave to gonow, because my mom is waiting.

Shehas to cookdinner tonight. Today is her turn.

- certainty(분명한 추측): 상당히 확신하는 경우: R임이 분명하다 / R임이 틀림없다

(보통 확신에 대한 근거를 갖고 있습니다)

He must be a doctor. I saw him in a doctor’s jacket.

The radio must be out of order. It doesn’t work. (out of order ; 고장 난)

*한걸음 더!*강력한 추측을 말하는 must 의 부정은 의미상 can not 이 될 수 있습니다.

A: He must be at school now. (있음이 분명해)

B: He can’t be. (있을 리가 없어)

I called him a moment ago and he told me he was at home.

(2) 형태 modal 중 가장 복잡하므로 주의!!! 해야 합니다.

부정문: 우리말 ‘~해야 한다’ 의 부정은 ~하지 않아야한다.(금지) / ~하지 않아도 된다.(선택) 두 가지가 있습니다.

- must not R / mustn’t R (금지) R하면안 된다.

- don’t(doesn’t / didn’t) have to R (선택) R할 필요 없다.(해도 안 해도 괜찮다.)

A: Can I play with your puppy?
B: Yes, you can, But youmust not takeit outside. It is too young to go outside in
this cold weather. If you do, it will get sick.

A: Do I have to clean the stove?
B: No, youdon’t have to dothat. I did it already.

의문문:Do/Does/ Did 주어 have to R은 늘 ‘R 해야 하나?’한 가지 의미로 쓰입니다. ‘R 임이 분명할까’라는 의문문은 쓰지 않습니다.

- Do you have to R ? / Does she have to R? / Did they have to R?
* Must you start now? (X) must 는 의문문으로 쓰지 않습니다.

-Do you have to arrange the meeting? Yes, I do.

-Does she have to leave the castle? No, she doesn’t.
* Must I go now? (X) …. 구어체에서나 노래 가사에서 가끔 쓰입니다.

과거형: had to R / didn’t have to R / Did 주어 have to R..?

must have pp / should have pp

must 의 과거형은 종류가 다양합니다. must have pp / should have pp 는 보통 must 의 과거형이라고 분류 하진 않지만 의미상 과거형입니다. (* pp는 과거 분사로, 규칙 형 동사는 원형+ed/d 불규칙 형은 불규칙 동사표 참고 ex) write / wrote /written)

had to R (have to R의 과거) -> I had to be with my sister yesterday. (했어야했다)

didn’t have to R (할 필요 없었다) -> I didn’t have to be with her yesterday. (선택)

Did S have to R? (했어야했나) -> Did I have to be with her yesterday? (선택/ 의무 둘 다)

should have not pp (pp하지 말았어야 했다) -> She should have not cut the tree.(과거후회)

must have pp (pp 했음이 분명하다) -> You must have felt lonely. (과거에 대한 추측)

* 과거형은 꽤 복잡합니다. ‘R해야 한다’ ‘R 임이 분명하다’는 표현이 과거와 연관되면 의미가 단순하지 않기 때문입니다. 이는 우리말도 거의 비슷합니다. 어떤 것을 의무적으로 반드시 해야 했는데 하지 않았다고 말한다면 거기에는 후회의 감정이 자연스럽고, ‘과거의 사실에 대해 분명하다’는 추측이 있다면 그것의 부정은 ‘그럴 리가 없다’ 가 맞습니다.

A: I must have seen G dragon in Juyup subway station last night.

B: No way. He is such a big star. He can not have been in Juyup subway station.

A: I should have taken his picture. I should not have walked away from him.

미래형: will have to R / will not have to R / Will 주어 have to R ..?

I will have to be with her.

I won’t have to be with her.

Will you have to be with her?

문제1) must(have to)의 뜻을 의무(o)와 추측(c)으로 구분하고 부정문의 경우에는 금지인지(금지), 안 해도 해도 상관없는 (선택)인지 표시하세요.

1. She has to understand the rule. She must not color her hair.

2. Do they have to tell the truth about the accident? Yes, they have to.

3. She didn’t have to come to the meeting. She didn’t know the topic.

4. The necklace must be very expensive. It has a big diamond.

5. Will you have to be with your sister? Yes, I will. She must be lonely.

6. I must not fall asleep in class. I need a good grade.

7. They must be in the next train. We don’t have to wait until 7.

8. You must take a bow when you see seniors in Korea.

9. Does she have to clean up the classroom?

10. They must not move first before we do. They must not say a word either.

문제2) 다음 문장을 영어로 쓰세요.

엄마가 피곤하신 것이 분명해. 낮잠을 자고 계셔.

산에서는 야생 동물을 주의해야 한다.

말 할 필요 없어. 난 널 이해 하니까.

오늘 그녀가 저녁밥 해야 해. 그녀의 차례야.

라디오가 고장 난 게 분명해. 작동하질 않아.

강아지랑 놀아도 된다. 하지만 밖에 데리고 나가면 안 돼.

우리 엄만 병원에 가실 필요 없어. 이제 괜찮으셔.

하나가 기념식에서 연설을 해야 할 거야.

그 노래는 크게 히트 할 것이 분명해.

문제3) Please correct sentences below if there are any mistakes.

1. He musts be prepare for the finals.

2. She have to led you to the way.

3. He has to think of anything wonderful.

4. My mom must not plant trees in the garden.

5. She didn’t has to hide like a child. She musts face the truth.

6. I had to see her again though I didn’t hate her. (though S+V : S+V 하는데도 불구하고)

7. He did had to help her.

8. We don’t have shout. They can hear us.

9. He got 100 percent in the test yesterday. He may be the top of our class.

10. You look pale. You have to sick. Go and see the doctor.

11. She doesn’t have to run away. The police arrived.

12. People over there has a map. They must traveller.

13. You must not follow the rule, because you are not a student anymore.

14. Did we had to prepare for the party?

15. Hanna will has to give a speech in the ceremony.

16. This song must a big hit.

17. Do I have to come back before noon?


문제1) must(have to)의 뜻을 의무(o)와 추측(c)으로 구분하시오.

부정문의 경우 금지인지(금지), 안 해도 해도 상관없는 (선택) 인지도 표시하시오.

1. She has to(의무) understand the rule. She must not(의무) color her hair.

2. Do they have to(의무) tell the truth about the accident? Yes, they have to.(의무)

3. She didn’t have to(선택) come to the meeting. She didn’t know the topic.

4. The necklace must(추측) be very expensive. It has a big diamond.

5. Will you have to(의무) be with your sister? Yes, I will. She must(추측) be lonely.

6. I must(의무) not fall asleep in class. I need a good grade.

7. They must(추측) be in the next train. We don’t have to(선택) wait until 7.

8. You must(의무) take a bow when you see seniors in Korea.

9. Does she have to(의무) clean up the classroom?

10. They must(의무) not move first before we do. They must(의무) not say a word either.

문제2) 다음 문장을 영어로 쓰시오.

엄마가 피곤하신 것이 분명해. 낮잠을 자고 계셔.
My mom must be tired. She is taking a nap.

산에서는 야생 동물을 주의해야 한다.
You must be careful

말 할 필요 없어. 난 널 이해 하니까.
You don’t have to say, because I understand you.

오늘 그녀가 저녁밥 해야 해. 그녀의 차례야.
She has to prepare for dinner tonight. It is her turn.

라디오가 고장 난 게 분명해. 작동하질 않아.
The radio must be out of order. It doesn’t work.

강아지랑 놀아도 된다. 하지만 밖에 데리고 나가면 안 돼.
You can play with the puppy, but you must not take him out.

우리 엄만 병원에 가실 필요 없어. 이제 괜찮으셔.
My mom doesn’t have to see a doctor. She is fine now.

하나가 기념식에서 연설을 해야 할 거야.
Hana will have to make a speech in the ceremony.

그 노래는 크게 히트 할 것이 분명해.
The song must be a big hit.

문제3) Please correct the sentences below if there are any mistakes.

1. Hemusts be preparefor the finals. -> must be prepared

2. Shehave to ledyou to the way to the station. -> has to lead

3. He has to think ofanythingwonderful. -> something *긍정문에서는 something을 써야합니다.

4. My mommust not planttrees in the garden. -> doesn’t have to

5. She didn’thas tohide like a child. Shemusts facethe truth. -> have to , must face

6. I had to see her again though Ididn’t hateher. -> hate

7. Hedid had tohelp her. -> had to

8. We don’thaveshout. They can hear us. -> have to

9. He got 100 percent in the test yesterday. Hemay bethe top of our class. -> is the top

10. You look pale. Youhave to sick.Go and seethe doctor. -> must be sick , a doctor (관용적으로 a)

11. Shedoesn’thave to run away. The police arrived. -> didn’t

12. People over therehasa map. Theymust traveller.-> have , must be travellers

13.Youmust notfollow the rule, because you are not a student anymore. -> don’t have to

14. Did wehadto prepare for the party? -> have

15. Hanna willhasto give a speech in the ceremony. -> have

16. This songmusta big hit. -> must be

17. Do I have to come back before noon? (수정 없음)
Read more at http://www.hanstar.net/324427/#LSuaQXS3y7kIrARr.99

[ⓒ 한스타미디어. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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