[엄마 영문법] while과 during 뭐가 다르지?

오늘의 뉴스 / 서 기찬 / 2014-10-16 10:46:26

두 문장을 하나로 만드는 절 (clause) / 부사절 (adverbial clause) (3)

접속사와 전치사

접속사와 전치사는 우리말로 거의 같은 해석이라도 쓰임이 절대 같을 수 없습니다. 접속사는 반드시 S+V 가 와야 하고 전치사는 절대로 S+V 가 올 수 없습니다.

1> while vs during - 해석은 둘 다 ‘~하는 동안에 / ~ 동안에’ 이지만 while은 절을 이끄는 접속사이고 during 은 구를 이끄는 전치사로 while S + V / during + noun입니다.

He was feeding fish in the tank while I was cooking. (during I was Cooking X )
I was upset during the meeting. (while the meeting X )

2> after & before - while & during 과 달리 접속사이며 동시에 전치사입니다.

I had to find the car key before I left. ( before S+V )
I'll see you after the meeting. (after 명사)

3> because vs because of- because + S + V, because of + n

I don't want to see him because he is so mean.
I don't want to see him because of his unreasonable behavior.

4> despite (in spite of) vs although- despite (in spite of) + n / G, although + S + V

In spite of the strong wind she kept going.
Although it was windy, she kept going.

문제1) 다음 이야기의 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.

Koala Jin and Jason was looking for Rabbit, but though they couldn't see him anywhere. Jin and Jason climbed up a tree, finally Jason could reach at the top of the tree.

While there were a few tree, Jason could spotted Giggling bat soon. Butsomething was strange. Giggling bat was floating like a ballon. It meant there wassomething but

him. Jason called Jin, "Jin something's wrong. Let's go to GranniBaobob.Rabbi is near it."

They rushed down, and run. When they were near Granni Baobob They could see Giggling bat and Rabbit. "I found him. Rabbit's there. He's in trouble." Jason called

Rabbit, his voice reached to Giggling bat. Giggling bat turned his head, and Rabbit got the moment. He ran toward his friends. Giggling bat didn't follow him. He knew

when he couldn't get all of three.

"Where were you?" Jin asked. "What happened?" Jason asked. Rabbit was still panting with fear. He was trying hard to calm down. He began to speak, "I went to the

lake for some water. When I was about to drink some, Giggling bat appeared. I ran away, and he followed... I was scared to death. Thank you."

"Alone is dangerous. Even though Piggy is out. We are waiting for an answer from Jason's friends. if we find a pigeon, things will be better. By then you'd better stay with


문제2) 다음 이야기에서 부사절이 있는 문장을 모두 찾아 표시하시오.

"What a day." Jin thought. She was heading toward home. When she got home she was exhausted. She looked for her mom, but there was no sign of her. "Mom, I am home." said Jin. But nobody answered. Jin ran down the tree and looked around, but she couldn't find Mom. When Jin was running around to find her Sis came to her. "What's wrong?" Sis said. "I can't find Mom." JIn said. " I will help you." Sis said.

Sis and Jin looked for everywhere but could not find any sign of her. Jin looked worried and sad. She was sitting there for a while and said, "Let's go and talk to Jason. He might know something. He knows everything in the woods. " Jin said. Jin and Sis went to Jason and asked for help. Jason flew her feather. After a while a sparrow came to them. Jason went out to talk to it.

When Jason came back, he said to Jin. "Jin I am so sorry. Your mom seems to be missing. She suddenly disappeared in the morning. And nobody saw her ever since."

" Missing? What do you mean? She didn't go anywhere without me." Jin exclaimed. "We do not know whether she went by herself or not. It can be an accident. "There were people in the forest today. When people are around, bad things happen. I asked more information about your mom, until then go home and take a rest, Jin." Jin was shocked. " She should be home by now waiting for me to come. " As soon as Jin finished, she started to run. Sis followed her. "Mom!" Jin cried but her mom was not at home. Jin felt like crying. Sis was standing by her saying nothing. Jin did not know when she fell asleep. She felt someone next to her. "Mom" Jin rubbed her eyes hard, but it was not Mom. It was Sis. Jin was sitting there with her eyes filled with tears. Suddenly Jin felt someone touch her shoulder. "Mom" Jin said. It was Jason. " We 've got a news but not a good one. People took your mother yesterday. A rat saw that. Now we do not know to where they took her. But it may not be very far. And we have a good news as well. There are good people out there. They took animals to a safe place to protect them. "How about bad people? What do they do?" Jin asked. "They kill us for hide or horns. They sometimes sent us to the other side of the world. Jason answered. Jin became pale. She felt dizzy. "Hey look your mom has none. Her hide is so small and she has no horns. She is fine." Sis said. "He is right. People do not want koalas for their hide or horns. She is going to be OK. I am doing my best to find her. We will find her soon."


문제1) 다음 이야기의 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.

Koala Jin and Jason were looking for Rabbi, but they couldn't see him anywhere. Jin and Jason climbed up a tree. Finally Jason could reach at the top of the tree . While

there were a few trees, Jason could spot Giggling bat soon. Butsomething was strange. Giggling bat was floating like a ballon. It meant there wassomething but him.

Jason called Jin, "Jin something's wrong. Let's go to GranniBaobob.Rabbi is near it."

They rushed down, and ran. When they were near Granni Baobob they could see Giggling bat and Rabbi. "I found him. Rabbi's there. He's in trouble." Jason called

Rabbi, his voice reached to Giggling bat. Giggling bat turned his head, and Rabbi got the moment. He ran toward his friends. Giggling bat didn't follow him. He knew

that he couldn't get all of three.

"Where were you?" Jin asked. "What happened?" Jason asked. Rabbi was still panting with fear. He was trying hard to calm down. He began to speak, "I went to the lake

for some water. When I was about to drink some, Giggling bat appeared. I ran away, and he followed... I was scared to death. Thank you."

"Being alone is dangerous even though Piggy is out. We are waiting for an answer from Jason's friends. If we find a pigeon, things will be better. By then you'd better stay

with us."

문제2) 다음 이야기에서 부사절이 있는 문장을 모두 찾아 표시하시오.

"What a day." Jin thought. She was heading toward home. When she got home she was exhausted. She looked for her mom, but there was no sign of her. "Mom, I am home." said Jin. But nobody answered. Jin ran down the tree and looked around, but she couldn't find Mom. When Jin was running around to find her Sis came to her. "What's wrong?" Sis said. "I can't find Mom." JIn said. " I will help you." Sis said.

Sis and Jin looked for everywhere but there was nothing. Jin looked worried and sad. She was sitting there for a while and said, "Let's go and talk to Jason. He might know something. He knows everything in the woods. " Jin said. Jin and Sis went to Jason and asked for help. Jason flew her feather. After a while, a sparrow came to them. Jason went out to talk to it.

As soon as Jason came back, he said to Jin. "Jin I am so sorry. Your mom seems to be missing. She suddenly disappeared in the morning. And nobody saw her ever since."

" Missing? What do you mean?" Jin exclaimed. "We do not know whether she went by herself or not. It could be an accident. "There were people in the forest today. When people are around, bad things happen. I asked more information about your mom, until then, go home and take a rest, Jin." Jin was shocked. " She should be home by now waiting for me to come. " As soon as Jin finished, she started to run. Sis followed her. "Mom!" Jin cried but her mom was not at home. Jin felt like crying. Sis was standing by her saying nothing.

Jin did not know when she fell asleep. She felt someone next to her. "Mom" Jin rubbed her eyes hard, but it was not Mom. It was Sis. Jin was sitting there with her eyes filled with tears. Suddenly Jin felt someone touch her shoulder. "Mom" Jin said. It was Jason. " We 've got a news but not a good one. People took your mother yesterday. A rat saw that. Now we do not know to where they took her. But it may not be very far. And we have a good news as well. There are good people out there. They took animals to a safe place to protect them. "How about bad people? What do they do?" Jin asked. "They kill us for hide or horns. They sometimes sent us to the other side of the world. Jason answered. Jin became pale. She felt dizzy. "Hey look, your mom has none. Her hide is so small and she has no horns. She is fine." Sis said. "He is right. People do not want koalas for their hide or horns. She is OK. I am doing my best to find her, and my friends are helping us. We will find her soon."

* 주부 김희진은?
- 수도여고, 한양대학교(신문방송학과)를 졸업했습니다.
- 2002~2003년 캐나다 VCC(Vancouver Community College)에서 테솔 과정(TESOL certificate)을 수료하고 아들 영어 공부를 위해 ‘이야기 문법책’을 만들었습니다.
- 궁금한 점이나 의문사항이 있으면 khjhy85@hanmail.net으로 언제든지 연락주세요.

[ⓒ 한스타미디어. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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