[엄마 영문법] 영어로 '난 너보다 예뻐' 는?

포토갤러리 / 서 기찬 / 2014-11-13 13:12:29

영어사전형용사와 부사의 원급, 비교급, 최상급

어떤 경우에 비교를 할까요?
첫째, A와 B 둘이 거의 같아서 A 나 B 둘 중 하나를 기준으로 삼는 (A 만큼 형용사한 B / A 만큼 B 하는 부사) as -- as
두 번째, 둘 사이에 차이가 뚜렷한 er than, 그리고 셋 이상에서 차이가 분명한 est 라는 점을 기억해야합니다.

비교에 관한 문법 문제는 첫째, 올바른 비교급과 최상급의 형태, 두 번째, 형용사를 써야할지 부사를 써야할지, 세 번째는 같은 내용을 다르게 표현하는 내용 이해하기 입니다. 첫 번째와 두 번째는 정확하고 반복적인 암기만이 유일한 방법입니다. 마지막의 경우 차분히 해석해 보면 생각보다 쉽지만 차분히 생각할 시간적 여유가 없다면 실수하기 좋은 문제이므로 주의해야합니다.

우리 말과 가장 큰 차이는 ‘~보다’ 즉 than 인데 우리말은 비교급을 쓰지 않고 이 ‘~보다’ 라는 말 만으로도 비교를 말합니다. ( 한선화는 김태희 보다 예쁘다.) 하지만 영어는 ‘더’에 해당하는 er 이 반드시 있어야합니다.

한선화 is pretty than 김태희. (X)

한선화 is prettier than 김태희. (O)

한선화 is prettier.(O)

즉 영어는 ‘더’ (er) 라는 말만으로는 비교급이 가능하지만 반대로 ‘보다’(than) 이라는 말만으로는 비교가 불가능합니다.

1. 둘이 차이가 거의 없을 때 : A as ~ as B / A is not as (so) ~as B

박정현 is as smalll as I am. -- 박정현과 나는 키가 비슷함.

I can run as fast as him.
I can't sing as(so) well as him.
Her hands were as warm as sunlight.
She wakes up as early as a bird.

* 비교 대상이 as ~ as 의 좌우에 있고 ~ 부분에 비교하는 형용사나 부사입니다.이 때 둘은 거의 비슷한 상태이므로~ 부분에 절대 비교급이 들어가지 않습니다.
This picture is as better as mine.(X) -- 해석으로는 자연스럽기 때문에 주의

**as ~as 비교는 결국 둘이 거의 같아서 발생하는 비유에 가까운 비교이므로
Your dog is the same color as mine. (Your dog is as white as mine.)

2. 둘이 차이가 날 때 : ~ er than & 3. 셋 중에서 으뜸 : ~ est

‘둘 사이의 비교, 셋 이상에서 으뜸’ 둘 사이에서A 와 B 둘 중 하나가 더 낫다고 하지만 셋 이상이면 누가 제일 낫다고 할 수 밖에 없습니다. 해석 하면 혼동되는 경우들이 있으므로 '비교급은 둘 최상급은 셋 이상이다'라고 외우는 편이 좋습니다.

This book is most interesting than those books. (X)
(저 책들 보다 재밌다 해도 저 책들과 이 책이므로 비교 대상은 둘. most → more)

She is more sensitive among all the girls in my class. (X)
(그녀 모든 소녀들 중에서 더욱 감성적이라는 것은 결국 가장 감성적. more → most)

3. 비교급과 최상급을 만드는 규칙 -- 부사는 대부분 more / most
비교급: 더 ~ 한 최상급 :제일 ~한 보기
1음절old +er - older +est - oldest tall / taller / tallestlow / lower / lowest
e 로 끝나는 1음절late +r - later +st - latest nice / nicer/ nicestfine / finer / finest
자음1+모음1fat +이중자음 er - fatter +이중자음 est - fattest big / bigger / biggestthin / thinner / thinnest
자음3 + 모음3beautiful +more -more beautiful + most -most beautiful wonderful / more wonderful / most wonderful

**혼동할 수 있는 형용사와 부사 - 문장으로 확인합니다.

good(형) - better - best well (부) - better - best

bad (형) - worse - worst badly (부) - worse - worst

Her picture is worse than his. (형용사 더 못한)

He did it worse than I do. (부사 더 좋지 않게)

4. 철자가 같은 부사와 형용사

→hard, ill, well, early, late, fast, long, short, high, low, far, near, straight …

hard work (형용사 ) long river ( 형용사 )

work hard ( 부사 ) live long ( 부사 )

a early riser ( 형용사 ) a fast runner ( 형용사 )

get up early ( 부사 ) run fast ( 부사 )

high mountain ( 형용사 )

Raise your right hand high.( 부사 )

It is a straight road. ( 형용사 )

It runs straight for miles. ( 부사 )

* 형용사와 같은 형태의 부사에 -ly를 붙여 다른 뜻의 부사가 되는 것

high (높이/높게) near ( 가까운 / 가까이)

highly ( 몹시) nearly ( 거의)

deep ( 깊은 / 깊게) hard ( 단단한 / 열심히 / 심하게)

deeply ( 몹시) hardly ( 거의 ~하지 않는)

late ( 늦은 / 늦게)

lately ( 최근에)

My house is near the church.

He comes to see me nearly every day.

He works hard every day.

We can hardly believe his story.

She was late for school yesterday.

The doctor arrived too late.

I haven't seen him lately.

How (deep, deeply) is your love?

I (deep, deeply) thanked him.

* three times .. er - 몇 배 더 ~ 한 이

She can walk three times further than you. (can)

It was ten times more difficult than I expected.

She is twice as lively as her sister.

이나영, 장혁 주연의 '영어 완전정복(2003, 감독: 김성수)' 포스터. 영어 학원에서 일어나는 해프닝을 소재로 만든 코믹물. 이나영, 장혁 주연의 '영어 완전정복(2003, 감독: 김성수)' 포스터. 영어 학원에서 일어나는 해프닝을 소재로 만든 코믹물.

5. 훨씬 더 -- much, far, far more, still, even

비교급 앞에 very (몹시, 훨씬) 이 오면 much, far, far more 등으로 바꿔 씁니다.

He is very smart. He is much smarter than his cousin.
very 와 much ‘매우’ 와 ‘훨씬’ 으로 우리말도 같은 방식입니다.

*한걸음 더: This is the very best wine of the year.
- 최고, 처음 등을 강조하는 the very 는 있다.

6. 비교 대상

비교를 할 때는 같은 대상 이어야합니다.
He is taller than my weight. -- ‘그는 내 몸무게보다 크다’ 는 말이 안 된다.
나의 키와 그의 몸무게는 비교 대상이 아니다. 그러므로 위의 문장은 어법상 틀린 문장

*한걸음 더 : 비교 대상에 따른 조동사 do or be?
He is smaller than I am. She swims faster than I do.

앞의 동사에 맞추는 것이 원칙이지만, 아주 형식을 갖춘 글이 아니라면 목적격으로 통일.
He is smaller than me. She swims faster than me.

7. 비교급의 관용 표현들; 자주 쓰이고 시험에도 잘 나옵니다.

~ er and ~ er : 점점 더 ~ 해 지다

He is getting taller and taller. - 그는 점점 더 키가 커 졌다.

As years go by the baby is getting bigger and bigger.

the ~er ... the ~er ; ~할 수록 점점 더 ~ 하다

The older she gets, the wiser she is. - 나이가 들 수록 점점 더 현명해진다.

The more dangerous it is, the more I am into it.

8. the

최상급이 명사 앞에 있으면 the 최상급 - The song is the noisiest of all.

최상급이 문장 끝이면 the 있어도, 없어도 OK -The song is (the)noisiest.

부사는 the 없어도 OK - Who can run fastest?

9. prefer A to B : B 보다 A를 더 좋아한다(선호한다)

동사 prefer 은 그 자체가 ‘더 좋아한다’ 는 뜻으로 자연히 비교하는 이야기를 하게 되는데 이 때 than 대신 전치사 to 를 씁니다.

I prefer oranges to bananas.

I prefer living in a house to living in an apartment.

* ‘to' 는 전치사이므로 다음에 명사나 동명사가 와야합니다. to 부정사가 아닌 점에 주의 합시다.
I prefer to spending days in the mountain to going shopping.

10. 여러 가지 비교 문장

The more we get, the more we want.

It is getting hotter, because summer is coming closer.

The price of oil is soaring. It is getting higher and higher.

I have no more than 200won. (-_-)

I have no less than 2000000 won. (*^^*)

= I have as much as 2000000 won.

We have to move as slowly as possible.

Please call me as soon as possible.

한선화 is not as dumb as people think.

한선화 is less dumb than people think.

한선화 is rather a dancer than a singer.

혜성 is the best singer I have ever seen.

Eric is by far the most handsome guy.

No group in Korea is better than 신화.

신화 is better than any other group.

신화 is better than all the (other) groups.

*비교 상황에서 가장 많이 등장하는 의문사는 which입니다.

Which (which one) is bigger than that?
Which one is the tallest among the girls?

** 비교에서도 많이 쓰는 another(단수) other (복수)the other(단/복수) any other(단수)에주의합시다.

I want to see another movie list.

I want to see other movie lists.

I want the other movie list.

I want the other movie lists.

Do you want any other movie list?

문제1) 아래에 참고 단어 목록을 보고 다음 빈칸에 적당한 말을 쓰시오. 일부는 쓰이지 않습니다.
good long much bad strong fast
Jin was happy to hear her mom alive. "I knew it." Jin said. When Jin was about to leave someone called her under the tree. It was Rabbi. "Jin, Jason, we are in trouble. Piggy is back. She found out that we did not give her anything the other day. She is coming toward us." Jin. Jason and Sis went down the tree. Rabbi looked pale and nervous. "Rabbi I am sorry but now I have to go to my mom. Find some place to hide till I come back." Jin said. "Oh.. what ... how can I.. " Rabbi was so scared. Jason interrupted, "Jin we still do not know the place. We can not go to your mom now. My friends will find out and let me know soon. Let's do something about Piggy first."

Jin wanted to leave but she could see that Jason was right. Looking at Rabbi, Jin could not help but stay with him. "We could send a messenger to the king Kangga. If he knows about us he will do something." Jason said. "But he is too far away. It will take months or more." Jin said. "A dove. We can send a dove. It is fast and clever. My friends are looking for a brave one to do the job." Rabbi said," Can a pigeon reach to him Kanga the king of the forest? Can it fly ________________ than a bat? Giggling bat is pretty fast. Sometimes he can fly ___________________ than a hawk. Oh, how about a hawk? What if a hawk got the pigeon?" Jason said, "Then we will send another one. We'll do that until we can reach Kanga. That is the ________________ way for us. Nobody in the forest is strong enough to beat Piggy."

The last sentence made Jin and Rabbit down. "Nobody in the forest _____________ than Piggy." Jin and Rabbit repeated looking down.

When the forest was big and woody, there were lots of animals. A pig was almost nothing. Jaguars, wolves, puma were running there, and they were ____________ _______________ than pigs or bats. It was all because of those people. People from outer world. They have come here and destroyed so many things, and Jin's mom was one of them. Since they came here everything has gotten _____________ and ______________ "How can I or we stop them?" Jin thought of her fellow koalas. They slept too much. They slept _______________ than sloths.

문제2) 다음 글에서 잘못된 곳을 고치시오.

1. Jin was the small koala in the forest. When other koalas talked about height, Jinwas a sort of standard to decide if someone is short or very short. If someone isas taller as Jin, he or she is just small. If someone is smaller than Jin, he or she is so small, too, small, very small, extremely small.. etc.

2. How tall was she? She is 45 cm. She was shorter a 3year old baby, a humanbaby.

3. Wong was most tall of all koalas, but he had very small eyes, and big nose. Asyou could guess he was not very pretty, but he was sweet and cheerful. All koalas loved him. Even other animals loved him much than their own families.

4. Wong was one of Jin's best friend. He helped her very more than others were onlyif he was not sleeping.

5. This was the problem. He slept too long. Long than any other koalas in thisforest. He slept 21 hours a day. We all know that koalas sleep long, but heis too long.

6. He was very faithful and trustworthy, but he hardly could help Jin. Once he fellasleep, no one could wake him up, because he got so angry. Since he was muchbig than others, koalas were scared of him.

7. Now Jin was thinking of him. He might find a way quicklier than she was, buthe was too farther away....


문제1) 아래에 참고 단어 목록을 보고 다음 빈칸에 적당한 말을 쓰시오.
but long fast much strong be bad good

"I knew it. Mom never leaves me." Jin said. When Jin was about to leave someone bumped into the tree and called her. It was Rabbi. "Jin, Jason, we are in trouble. Piggy is back. She found out that we did not give her anything the other day. She is coming toward us." Jin. Jason and Sis went down the tree. Rabbi looked pale and nervous. "Rabbi I am sorry but now I have to go to my mom. Find some place to hide till I come back." Jin said. "Oh.. what ... how can I.. " Rabbi was so scared. Jason interrupted, "Jin we still do not know the place. We can not go to your mom now. My friends will find out and let me know soon. Let's do something about Piggy first."

Jin wanted to leave but she could see that Jason was right. Looking at Rabbi, Jin could not help but stay with him. "We could send a messenger to the king Kangga. If he knows about us he will do something." Jason said. "But he is too far away. It will take months or longer." Jin said. Jason said, "A dove. We can send a dove. It is fast and clever. My friends are looking for a brave one to do the job." Rabbi said," Can a pigeon reach to him Kanga the king of the forest? Can it fly faster than a bat? Giggling bat is pretty fast. Sometimes he can fly faster than a hawk. Oh, how about a hawk? What if a hawk got the pigeon?" Jason said, "Then we will send another one. We'll do that until we can reach Kanga. That is the best way for us. Nobody in the forest is strong enough to beat Piggy."

The last sentence made Jin and Rabbi down. "Nobody in the forest is stronger than Piggy." Jin and Rabbit repeated looking down.

When the forest was big and woody, there were lots of animals. A pig was almost nothing. Jaguars, wolves, puma were running there, and they were much stronger than pigs or bats. It was all because of those people. People from outer world. They have come here and destroyed so many things, and Jin's mom was one of them. Since they came here everything has gotten worse and worse "How can I or we stop them?" Jin thought of her fellow koalas. They slept too much. They slept longer than sloths.

문제2) 다음 글에서 잘못된 곳을 고치시오.

1. Jin was the smallest koala in the forest. When other koalas talked about height, Jin was a sort of standard to decide if someone is short or very short. If someone isas tall as Jin, he or she is just small. If someone is smaller than Jin, he or she is so small, too, small, very small, extremely small.. etc.

2. How tall was she? She is 45 cm. She was shorter than a 3year old baby, a human baby.

3. Wong was the tallest of all koalas, but he had very small eyes, and a big nose. As you could guess he was not very pretty, but he was sweet and cheerful. All koalas loved him. Even other animals loved him more than their own families.

4. Wong was one of Jin's best friends. He helped her much more than others only if he was not sleeping.

5. This was the problem. He slept too long. Longer than any other koala in thisforest. He slept 21 hours a day. We all know that koalas sleep long, but hesleeps too long.

6. He was very faithful and trustworthy, but he hardly could help Jin. Once he fellasleep, no one could wake him up, because he got so angry. Since he was muchbigger than others, other koalas were scared of him.

7. Now Jin was thinking of him. He might find a way more quickly than her, buthe was too far away....

* 주부 김희진은?

- 수도여고, 한양대학교(신문방송학과)를 졸업했습니다.
- 2002~2003년 캐나다 VCC(Vancouver Community College)에서 테솔 과정(TESOL certificate)을 수료하고 아들 영어 공부를 위해 ‘이야기 문법책’을 만들었습니다.
- 궁금한 점이나 의문사항이 있으면khjhy85@hanmail.net으로 언제든지 연락주세요.

* 한스타 앱이 나왔습니다. 안드로이드 앱스토어에서 다운 받으세요^^

[ⓒ 한스타미디어. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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